Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I did it!!!

I passed Medical Terminology.  Phew.  That was a huge weight being lifted when I saw that.  I am so so so happy I am done.  Although I did like to listen to the instructors story.  It was like adult story time.  Now I just have to make it through next semester, which isn't any medical classes but more administrative to the medical field.  Of course I am nervous about next semester though because I am taking more hours.  But, two of the classes are just one credit hour and they are only 5 or 8 weeks long and they aren't even at the same time, so I guess I have a pretty nice school schedule.  If anyone knows anyone doctor offices or hospitals hiring around May of 2012 please let me know, lol.  Seriously though, I need a job as soon as I am done.  If not sooner, eek.

In regards to my last post about my son Joe, I guess I didn't have to be so blunt about it.  But there are still some people who are staring.  I have come to notice though that it is not the kids who stare, it is the parents.  We teach our kids to be polite and not stare at people whom we see as "different" so I just think the parents should also practice what they preach.

On to a happier subject, Christmas is only four days away, is everyone ready?  I still have some wrapping to do but that is it!  I am definitely ready to kick back and just enjoy the holidays with my family.  I have two boys of my own and five nieces around me, I absolutely love seeing the excitement and joy on their faces this time of year.
I do not think I will not write again before Christmas (nor do I know if anyone actually reads this) so I will say Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah now.  I truly hope you enjoy your time away from work and spend it with ones you love.

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