Monday, October 3, 2011

What do you prefer?

I have been wondering the past few days, what do people like to  hear about it?  Do they like the musings and silly things that I say or do they prefer to hear about what has brought me to where I am?  Because that is not a silly thing, it is a hard lesson learned.
We had it good a few years back.  I had a full time job, my husband owned a business.  We were able to buy a house and a new van within a month of each other.  I had worked for almost eight years for one company, a mortgage lender.  I had a couple files with this guy who was a broker and he talked  me into interviewing with him for a job.  It was a mile from where I was living, didn't pay as much, had benefits.  He told me in the interview that he wasn't going to hire me if he knew he was going to have lay me off in six months.  He was right, it was four months.  So we had a new house, a new car, a kindergartner and a nine month old baby.  If I had stayed with that company I left, I would have gotten laid off from there too but not for another year and I could have collected a severance package.
I worked at a gym for a while in their kids room, it was nice.  I got to bring my kids to work with me.  Then one day my boss told me I could no longer bring my kids, the cost of day care would have cost more than what they paid me.  So I quit that job.  My husband sold the business because it wasn't working out as we had hoped.  I have not been able to find a job since the gym.  I have applied many places but no one wants to hire me.  I have applied for countless jobs and have had one interview.  This is why I have gone back to school so that someone will hire me.
That van I talked about, it is gone.  We had to sell it.  For some reason this makes me upset still.  We sold it a couple months ago.  It is not the car that makes me upset (ok maybe a little, I loved that van), it is mostly the fact that it had to be done.  And why it had to be done.  And also the fact that there are some people out there who are constantly harassing me, saying I am the lazy one who won't get a job.  You don't know the whole story and maybe you do.  Either way, I don't need your criticism.
I have good kids, a good husband, a good family all together.  I may not have the material things anymore but I am thankful to have the support I have.
So hopefully next time I write, it will be a little more upbeat and amusing.
And now, I need to see if my final grade has been posted for keyboarding, I've been biting my nails for days on that one.

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