Thursday, September 8, 2011


So this week I had my first test.  Did you know they still did scantron tests?  I was shocked.  After I was done with my test I noticed blondie next to me took out her Ipad to doodle on.  Why I found it odd I can't put my finger on.  I guess I am just trying to get used to how different school has become in the past oh ya know 12 years.  And the other girl next to me whom I never bothered to look at was playing on her phone a lot.  Hiding it behind her purse.  I guess it's kind of like the notes my friends and I used to pass in high school, except now it is electronic.
I was on my break the other day.  It was a little chilly so I opted to sit inside instead of outside.  I was sitting in an area full of tables and chairs.  I look at over at the girl at the next table and I had to do a double take.  She had a bright green headband with a big flower on it, HUGE bright green hoop earrings, and bright green eye shadow.  I mean to each her own, I am sure people think my makeup is weird but geez, that was a lot of bright green.  I wonder if she had glitter too.  Think 1980's.  Oh and this girl and a couple other ones had a stud in between their nose and their lip, I am not sure on how to describe it but it wasn't the lip and it wasn't the nose, I had never see one of those before.
The sad part of my week is that I was missing my kids big time.  I don't know why, the little one is in school in the morning and the big one is in school until afternoon, so it's not like I am actually missing a lot in their lives.  And I also can't help but think I wish I had a job instead, wouldn't that be a hell of a lot easier than cramming this stuff in my brain?  I think it would.  But life happens right, and you move on.  Again I feel as I am talking to myself on the computer, hhmmmmmm.
And last but not least, guess what I learned in keyboarding today?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Yup, you've got it, the question mark

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